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I would say: the difference between the real and the unreal is that in the first case there is something which hinders my I (ego). I discover the real simply by noticing that something opposes and resists my I.

Otherwise i would be aware only of my Ego, and the Universe would be just my Ego, that is, a sort of Grand Hallucination. Something like not feeling my body but just my thoughts forever.

Basically, i agree with your definition of "real". It is the possibility of an experience. I would just add, as the next step, the question: "What enables me to have such an experience?" "How does the experience generate?" To which the most plausible answer is, (at least for me) the fact that my Ego bumps into something, it encounters something which hinders it. At that very moment i cognize that there exists something other than me, a world. If that hinders me, not only it is not me, but it is of a different nature than me. (that is, i speculate, what the "I" takes for granted). But at a basic level your explanation is more succinct, because it doesn't take into account materiality. It just says "I have an experience, therefore that is tantamount for me to have encountered the real". Afterwards this experience may be proven to be a dream within a dream, but that's another story.

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